Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A World of Fakeness...

I can't but help to think that everything here is fake. Walking through MBK mall in Bangkok was a definite eye opener. I could purchase knock off merchandise of every variety for only 199 Baht, fake degrees, ID's, Diplomas, and even Passports for only 20,000 Baht. In fact, some of the women here are fake... well should I say are men! If it weren't for their Adam's apple, or manly voices I would be extremely jealous of their dauntingly good lucks = ) . But I am certain of one thing, the genuine friendliness of the Thai people. They have been so receptive to me and the other foreign exchange students. Not only have they been so helpful in helping us get settled in, but they have gone above and beyond any of my expectations to ensure that our stay here is as positive as possible!

Even the boys here are nicer than the ones at home :) (no offense boys)... hehehe for example, on the bus today some guy offered to hold my books, he offered in Thai and I had no idea what the heck he was telling me. I felt bad, because I thought he wanted to steal my books... hahaha... and another student offered me his seat. What gentlemen! :)

This was our first week of school, and so far I have one CDN professor, and one American professor. Both seem to be very knowledgeable about the topics they are teaching... and they have done an excellent job in engaging me in their classes. The classes will definitely be far more challenging than my initial expectations.

It's hot here.. and I don't have much of an appetite, because well my stomach doesn't agree to much with Thai food. But thank goodness for the Cambell soup that I brought from home.

I haven't taken many pictures yet, but I'll try to take a few of me in my dorky uniform and post them for you.


At 6:15 PM , Blogger littlemisskool said...

hello nhung!! i found you off marvin's website! anyway just heard recently you're at field school! that is awesome, wish i could do the same. miss seeing you around! we'll have to hang once you come back. take care and talk to you soon!

At 7:59 PM , Blogger knee-ohm said...

Yay! Hi debbie :)

Or better yet, come to Thailand and visit me!

At 8:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

fake degrees? cool... i'd get one just for the fun of it. 3 days till the shopping frenzy begins. see ya soon! :)
- steph


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