Friday, December 31, 2004

Lost on our way to enlightenment…

Instead of the suggested 30 minute trail to the big “daibutsu” (big Buddha) in Kamakura, it took Steph and I nearly 60 minutes… and we still didn’t find it. If it was so big, how come we couldn’t see it : ( Well, it was kind of cool that we got lost anyway. As a result, we got to go on a hiking trail which wasn’t too bad… but for someone that is out of shape it was HORRIBLE!!!!! I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. Every time there was something remotely nice to look at, I would use it as an excuse to stop and rest J hehehe… There was this jogger, who I’m guessing jogs up and down the trail everyday. When we were about at the halfway point, we saw him run down the trail. And about 20 minutes later… we saw him run back up the trail!!!!!! It had taken us 45 minutes to get there!!!! He probably thought steph and I were a buncha weenies for being so slow.

But the trail was pretty gorgeous, on the left of us was a small Japanese village ( well, so it looked at least) and as you’re walking up the trail, you could see the elaborately crafted shingle roof tops. I was so impressed, each house was a unique piece of art. I felt like it was a scene taken out of a movie.

Kamakura is also known for it’s shrines, and temples. Steph and I only managed to visit one shrine, and one temple. The first temple ground we went to was fully equipped with monk housing, and of course a lot of monks. We saw them cleaning, and carrying weaved baskets on their backs. I’ve seen scenes like this depicted in Chinese movies before, and to witness it first hand was pretty neat. We also trekked up over 200 stairs to get to one of Japan’s national treasures: a gigantic bell. I was more impressed by the view than the bell. J hehehe.
The shrine that we visited was also pretty unique, there was this station to wash your money. I had no idea why someone would want to wash their money… was it dirty???? Well, a lot of people were washing their money though, and that was pretty bizarre to see.

My purchases so far:
- over 15 bags of fruit gummy candies, which are not for me, I swear!
- MP3 player
- running shoes
- Sweater
- origami paper


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