Thursday, January 06, 2005

Taking Risks...

Coming to Thailand was risky... let alone arriving here just a few days after the Tsunami in Phuket. Although I appreciate everyone's concern... I really am o.k., the rest of the foreign students are o.k. and the rest of Bangkok is o.k. Really we are... Since the Tsunami, myself and the other students have been probably receiving on average 2 messages a day from friends, family, and school staff asking us if we're o.k., or asking for our return to home. I understand that the Tsunami was a major disaster, but disasters like this happen all the time... they're unpredictable and hard to prepare for. Remember 9/11?? What was the first thing that the Dubya asked everyone to do? To act normal, to shop, to consume. So how is this disaster any different? So as a temporary Thailand local, I ask you to come here and spend your dough.. because the Thai economy is heavily dependant on your tourism dollars. O.k. so I'm not entirely serious... but yes, any help would surely be appreciated!

Ever since beginning my travels on Dec. 22nd, I knew that I would have to step out of safety bubble and comfort zone in order to enjoy my trip, and to enrich my experience. I've done so many things that I would not normally do at home - like ride on a motorcyle to school, plunge into highway like traffic to cross the street, and to live on my own (sorta, i have a roomie) ... and I've loved every minute of it so far.

Sure, I have a dozen more mosquitoe bites, which by the way have been grossly inflated, and my heart skips a dozen beat everytime on on the back of the motorcycle, and I've nearly got killed twice by a cab driver who didn't shoulder check, and I've suffered some major bouts of diareah... but I promise I will return home safely and maybe with some souvenirs! :)


At 2:31 PM , Blogger RS said...

Glad you're okay, Nhung. Just wanted to tell you that I love your blog. I have to check it everytime I log onto It's so exciting and interesting. Naturally, the next step is to make the motion picture: "NHUNG."

Hahahha yeah i'm a dork

At 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, i finally found the button to post without having to sign-up!!! haha... thanks for pointing that out to me babes :P

good to hear that you're doing "o.k"! take care and if you get the chance to, you should visit the smaller villages up north... they're really beautiful!

At 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh... btw, that was me, Laureen... hehe :D

At 7:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just passing along worries from the staff back at HC. I think Nicky was the most concerned. Good to hear that you are safe and well after the Suhkneeohmee.

Also, you continue to spell diarrhea wrong.



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