Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Cutting it close

I was 15 minutes away from missing my flight to Bangkok.

I ended 2004 with my best bud steph, and her intern friends. We had a few drinks, played some card... overall, it was a good houseparty. At 6:00 am, we trekked to the Meiji Jingu shrine in Harajuku. The shrine was packed with supersticious Japanese people, who believed that if they did not pay respects to the Gods, they would be suffer a year of bad luck. Coins were tossed into a wish basin, mouths and hands were being cleansed in this holy like water, and magical relics were being purchased all over the place. It was definitely different from any other New Year event that I have been to. Myself, I threw in a few 100 yen coins and made generic wishes that I doubt will be granted.. but one can only wish.

But now, here I am in Thailand. Same continent, entirely different experience. I've only been here for 3.5 days.. but I love it. I can't write much more right now, because I'm exchausted.. and am having bouts of diareah.. o.k. so maybe you didn't need to know that part... but that is part of the experience.

Summary of Thailand So far:
- Crazy bargaining
- Very friendly people
- Other exchange student's are nice
- I have a pretty good apartment :)

Take care!


At 5:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nhung, just wanted to stop by and say thanks for setting up your blog! Your pictures are great and your stories are fun! Looking forward to reading more about your experience!



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