Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Off goes the pounds...

O.k. so i'm not really losing any weight.. but I am I doing a heck of a lot of walking. I probably average at least 5 hours of walking a day, if not more. I'm usually out of the apartment by 11:00 am and not back till at least 10 pm or later. Most of the day is spent walking to and from one attraction to another, or to and from the train station. The walk to the train station from the apartment is already half an hour long! At the end of the day, I'm typically pretty exhausted.. and can fall asleep pretty quickly.

Steph's an awesome travel buddy, and i'm sure she would say the same about me :) hahahah... she's been taking advantage of me though! Since I'm a sleep talker, Steph likes to carry on conversations with me while i'm asleep!!! She's even recorded me!! I think it's pretty freaky, because I have no recollection whatsoever of having those conversations. Most of the time I'm talking nonsense, like yesterday I was talking about racing cars... weirdness.

For the past few days I've visited Harajuku, Shinjuku, Asakusa, Tokyo Central.. and a few other exotic named places. The main attractions have been temples, huge neon lights, shops, and of course the people! Shibuya was pretty overwhelming... it's the busiest area in Tokyo, and I witnessed it. Every three minutes, you can see a sea of people flood the streets in every direction... I was just amazed at the number of people who were crossing the street. The Shibuya stn. alone reports at least 2 million passerbys daily!

I'm notorious for getting lost. For example, yesterday when I decided to go out on my own because Steph went to work, I got lost twice. Which was not so bad considering my poor sense of direction. With the help of some body language, I was able to ask some kind folks for help.. and half an hour later, I found myself back on the right train home. Phew! I also took pictures of the skytrain signs as I went, just in case I needed to show people where I wanted to go. Clever eh? :) hehehe

Two more days until the countdown! I'm excited, we're probably going to go to Meiju Shrine to count down.. it's supposed to be really crowded.

I'll be off in Thailand in a few days as well. I've been very touched, a lot of friends and family members have been sending me warm wishes and emails telling me to be careful. I'm sure I'll be fine :)


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