Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mission Accomplished...

I've been searching for an mp3 player for quite a while now. For the longest time, all I wanted was the ipod mini - because of it's extreme cuteness. Given it's high cost I put off purchasing it. But I found the Ipod mini for 315 in japan, and was going to purchase it but it was sold out EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! The japanese love the ipod. You can read more about their obsession of it here: . So I settled for the next best thing a 512 creative muvo for 147 CAD...not bad eh? So it was definitely MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I feel bad though, because I had asked marv to buy me one in canada and he actually bought one.. and now he has to return it. sorry again marv!!!!!

One thing I've really come to like about shopping in japan is that they state the after tax price. It makes the shopping experience much better, because you know exactly how much you are paying for everything.

I went to the electronic district of Japan today, I think it's called "hakiabra"... I don't remember :( . In this district there were lots of "ncix" like stores so it made for quite the shopping experience. Following, I visited Shibuya, which is notorious for it's night life. It was quite the sight, busier than NYC and trendier than Paris.. I saw both men and women dressing in all sorts of weird fashion.. I took a few pictures of their backs. This district is pretty cool, there are people giving things away at every street corner. In the few hours we were there, we managed to collect 6 packages of kleenex's, 2 heat pads, and sega coupons that we used to win prizes at the SEGA arcade. heheh you know those machines that have the toys, and claws... the ones where it is IMPOSSIBLE to win anything at? Well steph and I both won!!!!!!!! We won, Mini Poohs they're really cute :)

Following, Steph and I were hungry so we ate dinner at this japanese curry place. It was delicious, my dish was better than steph's but I had promised to trade her.. hehe :( darn!

I have 6 more days left in Japan, so I think I'll venture out of the Tokyo area either on Tuesday or Wednesday. There's still lots to see here.

In other news, I've heard some devastating things about Thailand which is making me uneasy. If anybody hears anything else, please do let me know :) but I really hope I don't have to go back home... read more about the tsunami in thailand here:

My favourite dishes so far...
- Soba
- Japanese Sushi
- Japanese pancakes that steph made for me for breakfast.. they were so smooth!!
- the lychees and oranges from "all you can eat" on Christmas day


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