Friday, January 07, 2005

Culture Shock, or Lack of..

I've mentioned this before while in Japan, and here I am stumbling on this topic again in Thailand. I had expected that it would take me a longer time to adjust to the new culture and environment, because I was told by others that it was "soooo different". However, I feel like I've adjusted quite well, and it's only been a week and a half. Sure, I can attribute this to my "great ability to adapt to new environments" as stated in my resume... but unfortunately, I think a large part of my ability to adjust so quickly is due to the infiltration of western culture here in Thailand.

It never really got to me, until two days ago, while in a car ride with 2 Thai students. To the background music of some western music, the students were excitedly talking about upcoming concerts by Usher, Beyonce, and Destiny's Child. I was slightly befuddled by their love for western music, and secretly wondered if there were any popular Thai artists out there... I'm sure there are...

And since then, I couldn't help but notice how westernized Thailand has become. Advertisements feature english text, and "white"models, large brand names are readily available almost everywhere, and many of the people in general try to emulate western style by dressing like MTV pop stars. Most popular, is an example of MTV coming to Vietnam... within 10 years of MTV's arrival... Vietnamese youth culture had entirely transformed. I really question the view that anything "west is good". In class the other day, we were discussing Asian Management Styles, and the need for its' demolishment. Of course this came from an American professor...

As a future business woman, perhaps this new global strategy of global companies is a good thing, and will make the global economy more efficient... but as a global citizen I fear for the loss of diversity and culture, a process that has already begun. Unlike agriculture, we cannot store culture into petri dishes to preserve its longevity. So the real question is: how much longer until the rest of the world becomes the 51st state?

On another note, I'll be visiting Chiang Mai this weekend with my best bud steph.. yay, elephants here we come!

And thank you MTV for making my life easier!


At 4:45 AM , Blogger littlemisskool said...

Hehehe hi nhung i just noticed your comment on my blog about the new year's thing -- what a hoot. :-) i really like this post of yours because too often i think we forget that cultural assimilation (i'm hesitant to apply the term cultural imperialism for obvious reasons) is an ongoing concern... although hehe don't take this too seriously but doesn't the last sentence in your post (re: MTV) kind of defeat the purpose of everything above it? :-)


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