Friday, January 28, 2005

Corrupt Politicians and Mosquitoe Bites

Politicians being corrupt is nothing new. They exist everywhere, even in Canada, recall the recent sponsorship scandal. However, corruption in Asia is definitely the worst in the world. Corruption is particularly rampant in politics, government, and business. But my question is, is it really wrong? It's so hard to judge such a relativistic matter. In other words, ethical standards here, are not the same as they are in Canada. For example, I was told if I ever get caught by the police for not wearing a helmet on the motorcycle, I should just pay him the 200 "grease" fee to let me go. It's just easier that way. He collects his money, and I go on with my life. Makes sense? Well sort of... but then of course you have the argument that he's abusing his power as a civil worker ... and then you can argue if the government paid him more than he wouldn't resort to this. Who is at fault in all of this? I don't know... and if, in Thailand, I ever ran into a situation where I had to "grease" my way out with "facilitation" fees... I'm not sure what I would do.

Mosquitoe bites suck big time :) It's getting pretty bad for me, because I am allergic to them, which means they get inflamed into these huge, nasty, red bumps wherever the bug bites. GROSS. It really sucks, because even after the bites have deflated, they leave behind a tiny scar, and my legs are full of them. I have at least 30, and it's not a pretty sight, especially when I have to wear a short skirt everyday for school. The worst bite was on my eye, which so conveniently happened the night before my presentation. I wish the mosquitoe had bitten the other one too... at least it would have been even :)

This weekend I am off to the weekend market, and to the grand palace in Bangkok. Have a good weekend everybody :)


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