Thursday, December 23, 2004

Japan - the land of the rising sun

Well I didn't manage to catch any rising sun.. but I did catch a street performance in Yokohama. It was brilliant! Even though the performers only spoke japanese, I really enjoyed it. The juggling fire was the most enjoyable to watch. I'm not sure what it is about juggling fire that is so amusing. I must have seen similar shows a million times now, but every time I am always so amazed.

The plane ride here wasn't too bad, it was only 9.5 hours. I felt like a chicken in a pen though... because I wasn't able to move, and the flight attendants kept on feeding me. It was a constant stream of japanese snacks, dinners, and drinks. As a result of the constant interruptions, I didn't get to sleep much on the plane. The dude next to me, however, got a lot of sleep. He snored REALLY LOUDLY!! I was so tempted to poke him on several occasions.

So far, the people here seem to be very kind. For example, the other dude that was sitting next to me on the plane helped me get my YCAT ticket to Yokohama. He even made up an english name, "ted" because I couldn't pronounce his Japanese one :) hehe...

- "wow, they are crazy" (referring to the women who wear floaty skirts and knee high boots in ridiculous nunavut like weather - but yes, they were hot!)
- "what the hell is he saying to me?????... just smile and nod"..(referring to the skytrain guy who was telling me to go to the other kiosk)
- "weirdness" (referring to the building that looks like a slice of orange in Yokohama)
- "Why isn't it this efficient in Vancouver?" (referring to the LONG LONG skytrain that travels oh so fast!).


At 7:04 PM , Blogger RS said...

Hey Nhung!!

It's Ray. Your friend Steph is so thoughtful. Well I hope you're enjoying yourself in Japan so far. I'll be a regular reader of your blog to keep up with all the exciting things you'll be doing over there. Gli's probably given you some good advice on how to make the most out of living in Japan.

Check out my blog too:

I'll put in a link for you. PS. I expected some purple on your site.


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